Aluminium that has been powder coated should undergo routine cleaning and maintenance. Modern powder coating methods are designed to give the finished extrusion long service life and guarantees on the paint finish of 15 years, 20 years or more. Even so, it is still necessary to have a program for cleaning powder coated aluminium.

Many building occupiers that wisely choose powder coated aluminium for their new or refurbished building must be made aware that powder coated aluminium is not a “fit and forget” product and regular cleaning and maintenance will be required. There is no reason why the cleaning of powder coated aluminium windows cannot be carried out with your normal window cleaning routine.
If you are a building owner, manager, contractor or architect, we have put together a simple to understand guide to cleaning of powder coated aluminium.
What do you need to know about cleaning powder coated aluminium windows?
The most commonly asked question is what should be used to clean the painted aluminium. The best type of product is a mild detergent solution with warm water. A sponge or soft cloth should be used and nothing should be harsher than natural bristle brushes.
In the event that the powder coating has been exposed to heavy soiling white spirit can also be used.
Recommendations for cleaning your aluminium powder coated finish
- there is no need to over clean or apply excessive pressure or rubbing.
- we recommend frequent mild cleaning than infrequent heavy duty cleaning
- do not use strong cleaners or neat concentrated solutions as these can cause damage
- abrasive cleaners should not be used and the same applies to abrasive steel wools, scourers and brushes that can also cause damage.
- any spills or drips of solution should be cleaned as soon as possible.
The above recommendation are intended for standard aluminium windows, doors and screens installed in most homes and commercial buildings.
When should you clean powder coated aluminium?
When powder coated aluminium should be cleaned will largely be determined by the location of the building, the elements it is exposed to and any other contaminants. Organic coatings on aluminium generally will not show a large amount of dirt however it is recommended that all aluminium is routinely cleaned.
Qualicoat UK are the industry body for powder coated aluminium and their recommendation are:
- Normal Environement 12-24 months
- Marine Environment 3-12 months
- Industrial Environment 3-12 months
- Swimming pool environment 3 months
There are also other factors what will affect how often you clean powder coated aluminium such as its location, atmospheric pollution, prevailing windows, protection of building elevations by other buildings, sand and dust prevalent and other contaminants.
We offer expert advice on the correct cleaning and maintenance of powder coated aluminium. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require further information.