If you occupy an older building fitted with powder coated windows, it is possible that some powder coated windows and doors may be faded. The dull colour often seen in faded powder coated windows is down to several factors and these are largely due to lack of routine cleaning and maintenance.

It is of course possible to renovate existing powder coated windows, doors and curtain walling. However if you have recently had new powder coated aluminium installed, what can you do to prevent fading and ensure they look good for the future?
Why do powder coated windows fade?
The primary reason for powder coated aluminium windows fading is lack of routine cleaning and maintenance.
The double glazing and home improvement sector in particular will often market their products as “maintenance free”. It is important to note that no aluminium door or window is a fit and forget product and just like any other product some servicing and routine care is essential.
How can you help prevent fading of powder coated windows?
The environment both internal and external plays a part in the life of a powder coated product. In city centre environment where there is greater air pollution and dirty rain, in coastal and salt air environments, it is very important to keep powder coated aluminium clean. Even buildings near motorways, industrial areas and anywhere else that suffers from dirty or contaminated air will need routine cleaning.
We recommend that windows should be cleaned at least every three months in heavy duty environments. Less frequent cleaning such as windows in less exposed areas is possible with cleaning every six months as sufficient.
Interior cleaning of powder coated windows is also important.
It is important to remember that the inside of our buildings can also make powder coated windows look dirty and faded. Tobacco smoke, coal or wood fires, oily kitchen environments and other factors can all affect the life of aluminium. Therefore routine internal cleaning is also important.
Powder coating guarantees
Guarantees for powder coating are in place but common sense still applies. It should not be assumed that just because a window comes with a 15 or 20 year guarantee on the powder coating that you are covered and that you are not responsible for looking after powder coated windows. A good example is a car warranty. Whilst the warranty is in place it is expected that you will service your vehicle in order to keep the warranty in place.
Again routine cleaning and maintenance is very important to ensure that these quality and industry standard guarantees are in place when needed.